Sunday, September 16, 2012

Adapt or Die: Why Hire a Trainer? - My Mad Methods

Adapt or Die: Why Hire a Trainer?

How to prepare for a fight, by Joey AlvaradoThere is no ego involved when trying to live a healthy life. The only ego you will have is based on the things that you want. You want to look better, why? Because you do not have the greatest self esteem? Because you want to be a confident individual? Still none of the requires ego. When you remove ego from a healthy way of living... the sky is the limit. You are restricted by your own perceived limitations.

If Professional Athletes hire Personal Trainers, and about 90% to 95 % of them are working with a Trainer.

Why do YOU think that you know everything you need to get in shape? You may know everything, but after 33 years of breaking myself down and reinventing myself over and over again, I DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING I NEED. I am constantly learning and I am NEVER satisfied with my depth of knowledge. Believe me, that depth is something that would make most of you dizzy.

You can't afford it? How can you not afford it? At what price is it worth it to keep yourself alive, to get off all your meds, to lose that 100 pounds, and to be able to enjoy life pain free? Remove the cost of the crap you eat, the meds you take, and the money that you pay your Doctor and you'll have enough money to train forever.

This is not a huge money making career path, unless you sell your soul and start lying to make money.
Don't have the time? LMAO... Will you find the time when you're dead, in the hospital or bed ridden? How can you not have the time? Create the time. Stop going to the bar for a drink. Stop hanging out on the weekend with the friends that would never support your desire to become healthy because it would make them feel worse about themselves.

Take it upon yourself to be ALL that you were born to be. If you think you can become everything you were born to be, without my help or the help of another Fit Pro, you will have to prove that. Because I have seen thousands of people tell me the same thing over and over and over. The fact is, YOU WILL NEVER DO THIS ON YOUR OWN. I HAVE A HARD TIME DOING THIS ON MY OWN. I have personally worked out and trained with a Personal Trainer... WHY? WHY?

The answer is simple: I have a point where I will not push myself any further or harder on my own; the Trainer does not know where that is, so they will push me to my limits OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Just when I do not think I can do anymore they slap me in the ego and tell me ONE MORE REP. Can you push that last rep out alone? Don't kid yourself, you can't and you won't.

Now, if you can show me a sculpture that sculpted and chiseled itself. I will stop working so hard to help you change your life. Don't tell me that there are natural sculptures... do you know how long it took to make those natural sculptures? I do. Do you plan on wasting that much time and energy to accomplish it yourself, or do you want to get the most BANG for you hard earned dollars?

Don't waste your time thinking, you need what I have to offer. What WE have to offer, and the price, time, and ego have nothing to do with your decision. You are afraid of the change. I will say one last thing, it is a well known statement from business and natural selection:


Survival is a strong feeling. The will to live forever. The will to stay young forever. You want to look younger, workout hard. I know 40 year olds that look 20. I know 70 year olds, that despite the white hair, look 30. What I offer transcends time, money, and excuses. Do NOT LIE to me and DO NOT LIE TO YOURSELF.

This is ONLY part of my "WHY?"

Contributor Information:

Trainer Mat Bodhi Bryan
Trainer Mat Bodhi Bryan comes at life's mission with a great number of experiences and a different point of view. Because of his background, he can pick out and correct a great number of imbalances and injuries. Is that his Specialty? Nope, his specialty is everything that a client would need of him. Find out more.

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