Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Causes of Foot Cramps - Buzzle.com

Causes of Foot Cramps

Foot cramps shouldn't be very worrisome because they rarely cause a hindrance in our daily routine. However, that instance when one experiences a sudden and forceful cramp can be particularly agonizing due to the abnormal strain the muscles are subjected to.

A lot of us suffer from foot cramps. Our feet bear the maximum body weight and hence feet cramps are more common than any other muscle spasm in the body. The frequency of muscle cramps in foot is more amongst sports persons and the elderly people. Muscular weakness, nutritional deficiency and loss of muscle tone are some of the precipitating factors that can induce foot cramps.

What are foot cramps?

Foot cramps are jerky, involuntary spasms that extend from a few seconds to a few minutes; and can affect a single muscle or a muscle group. The resultant pain is caused because the muscle contracts without effective shortening of the muscle. Also, the spasm might leave the muscle sore even after the cramp is gone. It is also normal, that the cramps recur multiple times till they finally go away.

Which regions of the foot are affected?

Inner arch of the foot and toes of the feet, especially the big toe are more prone to these spasms. Other common regions affected are the thigh and calf muscles. Often you will notice, that muscle cramps cause visible or palpable hardening of the involved muscle.

What are the common causes of foot cramps?

Flat feet or hyperflexible joints.

Sedentary lifestyle leading to obesity and muscle weakness.

Lack of muscle strengthening exercises.

Sudden increase in the intensity of workouts that increase the pressure on foot.

Lower availability of calcium in blood caused by increased breathing during cardio exercises and the like.

Injury caused by repetitive movements.

Old worn-out footwear.

What are the disorders that may cause foot cramps?

Lack of Nutrients

The body experiences foot cramps when it lacks the supply of essential vitamins and minerals. If foot cramps are caused because of nutritional deficiencies, it can be corrected once the body gets the appropriate amount of vitamins. Electrolyte imbalance pertaining to low calcium and potassium levels as well as high magnesium levels are related to spasms. This is because potassium imbalance disturbs the magnesium and calcium metabolism necessary for a normal muscle contraction. Vitamin D deficiency is also known to induce spasms.

Certain Disorders

Foot problems like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis may cause cramping in the feet. People suffering from diabetes experience foot cramps due to decreased supply of oxygen to the feet. Diseases like Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, illnesses of the nervous system, tetanus and thyroid problems can also cause foot cramps. When the electrical impulses originating in the brain are not able to reach the muscle, it can give rise to foot cramps and other pinched nerve symptoms like tingling, pain etc.

Decreased Blood Circulation

Decreased blood circulation to the foot can give rise to foot pain and cramping. Muscle in the feet tend to cramp due to inadequate supply of blood and hence lower supply of oxygen in the blood as can be seen in alcoholics and smokers.

Inadequate hydration

Many of us are not aware of the fact, that dehydration can also lead to foot cramps. It is important to note, that when you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated. Hence, you will have to ensure, that you consume sufficient quantity of water everyday. If you smoke or drink alcohol regularly, then you may want to cut down on the habit. Similar is the case with caffeine drinks. They often tend to dehydrate the body.

What are the remedies for foot cramps?
The part of the foot that is cramped should be moved in a direction opposite to the spasm to relieve the undue stretch on the muscle. To relieve the cramp in toes, they should be turned upwards. If the muscle spasm is in the calf region, 'forced dorsiflexion of foot' can relieve the muscle pain within seconds. Here, dorsiflexion means elevating the forefoot (in a direction opposite to the ground) whilst keeping the heel stable. Prescribed pain-killers can take care of the pain if it's unbearable. Applying ice packs to the affected region can help in an acute stage. However if the cramp persists for more than a day, warm water is recommended to reduce the muscle soreness.Affected area should be given adequate rest and an elastic bandage can be used for compression that would promote healing. Massaging the cramped portion with ointment or massage oil will help reduce the muscle fatigue. Adequate supplements with professional medical advice is a must in order to correct the electrolyte and nutritional deficiencies

How can we prevent foot cramps?

Through proper warm-ups and cool downs before exercising or playing. Regain physical fitness to avoid muscle pain. Employ stretching exercises to increase the overall muscle strength.Use proper sports gear or exercise equipment to reduce the chances of spasms. Adequate hydration should be maintained with water and other liquids. If you have been walking for the better part of the day or have been standing, then you know the reason of these cramps, it is muscle fatigue indeed. Foot cramps at night occur more so, when you have been walking or standing on a hard and unforgiving surface, like concrete. If you are in a job, where you have to walk or stand for long hours then you may want to cushion your feet by putting cushion inserts in the shoes. This will reduce the stress and strain on the feet and eliminate the frequency of foot cramps.

By Dr. Maisie M. Last Updated: 2/1/2012
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/causes-of-foot-cramps.html
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