Friday, June 29, 2012

A Positive Blood Type Diet -

A Positive Blood Type Diet

Blood type specific diets are designed to encourage people to eat what is right for their blood type. Let us look at some of the foods that can be included in the diet of people who have A positive blood type.
Each individual is biochemically unique. This uniqueness is also due to the four basic blood types: O, A, B, and AB. Your individual blood type influences your sensitivity towards certain types of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, allergies, diabetes, etc. Every individual has different nutritional needs which have to be met to prevent blood type related illnesses.

Have you heard the traditional saying, "you are what you eat"? Diets are tailor-made to cater to one's specific blood type. Eating the right food for your blood type is important as it influences weight issues, mental state, stress management and energy levels. A Positive blood type individuals are usually susceptible to cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The diet for these individuals should emphasize on strengthening the immune system, supplying cancer fighting antioxidants, forbidding infections to occur and toning up the heart.

Ever wondered why your friend can eat all kinds of breads and meats and not gain any weight? But, if you thrive on such foods, you tend to have an upset stomach. It's sad but true that all foods are not agreeable to our stomach. The enthusiasm and the urge to lead a normal healthy life has resulted in more and more people opting for these tailor-made healthy diets. It is important to know the diet that is best-suited for your blood type. The diet should include low protein intake. Vegetarian diet with no or fewer dairy products are recommended for this particular blood type.

The A Positive diet encourages people to eat right food for their blood type. Given below is the diet specifically designed for individuals with A Positive blood.

The best way to curb health-related issues is to consume a lot of vegetables in its raw and pure form. Vegetables such as sprouts, tofu, okra, artichoke, horseradish, chicory, greens, alfalfa, tempeh, turnip, parsley, romaine are vital to people with A Positive blood. These vegetables are a source of antioxidants, enzymes and minerals required for a healthy balance. Garlic, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, onions, pumpkin, kale are known to enhance the immune system.

Unfortunately, there are certain vegetables that have adverse effect on the digestive system. They are cabbage, mushroom, potato, pepper, eggplant, yam, lima bean and sweet potato.

Poultry and Meat
Cornish hens, chicken and turkey and other poultry products are easily digestible, and that is why it has been included in the diet. However, it is best to eliminate meat from the diet. A Positive blood has low levels of stomach acid content, due to which meat is not easily digestible. This in turn leads to sluggishness in an individual.

Dairy Products
However tasty the dairy products are, they are best avoided as these cannot be easily digested by an individual. However some of the products that are harmless to health are yogurt, feta, kefir, string cheese, mozzarella and ricotta.

Alcohol-based beverages, soda and black tea do not support the immune system and are also hard to digest. These are not at all recommended for someone with A Positive blood. One cup of coffee a day can help increase the acid secretions in the stomach and thus improve digestion. The other beverages good for the stomach are slippery elm and ginger.

Diet should mostly include alkaline fruits such as berries, plums, figs and prunes. Fruits with high mold counts like melons cannot be easily digested, and hence, have to be eliminated from the diet plan. Fruits like pineapple, cherry and apricot have digestive enzymes which is an excellent help for the digestive system. Grapefruit and lemon once digested exhibit alkaline tendencies, which again helps the stomach in a positive way.

Seafood is a gourmet's delight. However, one has to keep a check on the types of seafood that are not agreeable to the sensitive stomach. The most beneficial seafood are mackerel, grouper, carp, red snapper, salmon, snail, whitefish, etc. The seafood that are not allowed are lobster, oyster, crab, octopus, beluga, bluefish, eel, shrimp and turtle to name a few.

There is an old saying, "one man's food is another man's poison". This theory holds true for blood types as well. The diet meets all the nutritional requirements to enhance the immunity of that particular blood type. However, there are plenty of suggestions and ideas on your diet as per your blood type, but none of them have been proven so far. For the believers of this theory, you need to be enthusiastic about your plan, stop counting and tracking the calories and enjoy the diet plan chalked out for you.

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