Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kettlebells for Women: Strong is the New Sexy - My Mad Methods

Kettlebells for Women: Strong is the New Sexy

Weight 123 pounds, Height 5’7
That’s right everyone! If you’re not “in-the-know,” strong is now considered super sexy! Women with lean muscles (that are actually useful) are finally considered beautiful. Since strong is the new sexy, I’m proud to say that I probably have one of the sexiest group classes in the world. The women that walk into my classes end up being the strongest they have ever been and it only gets better.
Over the last few years, we have taken kettlebell training to the next level. After I published my first article, “The Need to Train Like a Man, Especially If You’re a Woman,” back in 2006 (refer to this article if you are interested more in the science behind this concept), my female clients were no longer as fearful of lifting heavy objects. Ladies are starting to realize more and more that as they became stronger, the feelings they experience are empowering: increased self-confidence, better posture, and most things in life just become easier. Not to mention a healthier and leaner physique. In this article, I’d like to share a couple program designs that I use in my group classes to make sure that everyone becomes extremely strong, balanced, and well conditioned. Being well rounded is important, however, designing your class in such a way that puts strength as the focus, yet adding in conditioning aspects in the appropriate places, will help you and your clients' results increase beyond imagination.
Lauren Miller, RingsBefore I share a couple of the strength workout designs with you, I’d like to give some examples of what most of the ladies who come to me are doing now. Keep in mind that they did not start off strong by any means. They had to work very hard and they did it using programs like the ones you will see below. I have tiny ladies in their 50’s Swinging 24kg (53lb) and 28kg (60lb) kettlebells, performing multiple Pull Ups, and Double Clean 16kg (35lb) kettlebells. Some of my super strong females are able to Swing 36-40kg (80-100lb), Snatch and Press 24kg (53lb) kettlebells, Double High Pull 20kg (44lb) kettlebells, and perform weighted Pull Ups.

One of my strongest clients, Katie Dawer, a young mom, is under 123 pounds. She has long lean muscles, a tiny frame, and can move weight around that most men who come to me could not. Not to mention that in the last few months, she has changed her diet to plant-strong eating, which has allowed her recovery time to be impeccable, therefore allowing her growth in strength to sky rocket! It’s an honor to have played a part in turning these women into powerful, strong, sexy machines. They keep coming back for more so I must be doing something right!

Now for the magic! This is what most of the workouts will have in common: they are all carefully designed to integrate balance while focusing on the entire body. Each workout consists of working on pulling your own bodyweight, whether during Body Rows or Pull Ups, Pushing, Lunging, Squatting, or Deadlifting, and explosive exercises such as Swings, Snatches, Ropes, or Bodyweight exercises.

Double kettlebell high pull

Weighted kettlebell push up

Goblet squat

2-hand kettlebell swing

Clean & press

Weighted pull up

1-leg kettlebell deadlift


Kettlebell Workout #1

Warm Up

Alt Turkish Get Up - 2-3 Reps ES
Downward Dog / Walk Outs / High Plank - 5 Reps
Bodyweight Squats - 10 Reps
(NOTE: Focus on prying the knees open at the bottom of the squat)

Sequence #1

Push Ups - 5 Reps
(NOTE: Make sure they are very challenging for your level; add a plate or put your feet on a box if needed)Double Racked Back Lunges - 5-6 Reps ES
1-Arm Swing - 8 Reps ES
(NOTE: Ladies, aim for a 16kg. Men 24-28kg. Chalk up if needed.)Rest for 45-60 seconds while lightly stretching hip flexors, shoulders, and chest. Repeat any where between 3-4 rounds.

Sequence #2

Ring Rows - 5-8 Reps
(NOTE: Add weighted vest or put your feet on a box to make it more challenging.)
Heavy Goblet Squat - 5-8 Reps
Double High Pull - 8-10 Reps
Rest for 45-60 seconds while lightly stretching hip flexors, shoulders, and chest. Repeat anywhere between 3-4 rounds.


Rope Waves
Jump Squats
Snatch Left
Snatch Right
Circuit, 15 seconds of 100% work, 15 seconds rest. Repeat 5 times.

Cool DownVariety of Planks, Prone Cobras, and Joint Mobility Drills for 5-10 minutes.


Kettlebell Workout #2

Warm Up

Overhead Waiter Walks to Windmill - 1 Reps ES
Single Rack Walk to Swings - 10 Reps ES
Bodyweight Squats - 10
Light Joint Mobility - 1-5 Min

Sequence #1

Clean & Press - 5 Reps ES
1-Leg Deadlifts - 5 Reps ES
Heavy Kettlebell Swing - 12 reps
Active rest for 30-60 seconds while lightly stretching hip flexors, shoulders, and chest. Repeat anywhere between 3-4 rounds.

Sequence #2

Pull Ups or Chin Ups - To Failure
(NOTE: 85% intensity, use a band for assistance if needed or add weight)Suspended Air Lunge - 8 Reps ES
Plyo Box Jumps - 10 reps
Active Rest for 30-60 seconds while lightly stretching
hip flexors, IT bands, Glutes. Repeat anywhere between
3-4 rounds.


Rope Slams
Med Ball Slams
Rope Zig Zags
Russian Twists
Circuit, 20 seconds on 20 seconds off. Repeat for 3-5

Cool Down

Variety of Planks, Prone Cobras, and Joint Mobility Drills for 5-10 minutes.
Remember that I designed these workouts are for a controlled group setting in order to make sure that form and technique come first. Once form is flawless, then the heavy weights are loaded on for an efficient strength workout that also provides a conditioning benefit. They are not specifically designed for one individual’s goals. Luckily, over time I have been able to see each and every person, regardless of their personal goals, attain what they set out to achieve concerning all aspects.
If you want more workouts like this, then please check out my website at or my blog at where new ones will be posted periodically.

Contributor Information:

Lauren Miller is the founder and owner of On the Edge Fitness. As a RKC instructor and Clinical Nutritionist, Lauren has helped thousands of people to get into shape, and stay that way. She specializes in kettlebell training and is a pioneer of the training method within the United States. Find out more.


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